Went to ... err... I am not so good with street names.
I shopped around with Xin Hui. Nadiyah and Hashanah initially. Soon, we were joined by Mr Wong.
Went to eat KFC... I manged to chow down a burger, and another 3 extra wings as well as milo.
Much later on, i went around the area with MR Wong as I wanted to scout out the area more. It's really Singapore's version of Bugis Street, I mean, it's 3 to 5 shopping malls are located beside each other.
In the end, I never buy anything. As for the others I met back at another fast food restaurant, they already had bags and Mei Yun seemed to be carrying a large stuffed toy as well.
That's when we will see the florescent lights lighting up the shoreline against the night sky. Said to be beautiful and romantic.
The day view isn't that nice...
A ship on the river!!!
Our tour guide, 刘导游 was explaining about this place to Mr Wong. She's pretty, isn't she?
Ah, I wanna eat the 'ikan' (fish). But, it will taste like rock...
Meet Mr Ng, my ECONS (economics) lecturer. Thanks to his teachings, I ended up with B+ in that module...
Three of the naggy tour guides... Whahaha..
Why do we keep meeting the same tour guides for all the weekends? But this is the last week we may be seeing them for a long, long time.
And finally, went back to the hostel only to find the 阿姨 (Auntie) in charge of the hostel watching a re-run of the show, 大长今 (the Korean drama) and so, went in to watch the last bit.
Unlike Singapore, dramas here are broad casted up to 4 hours a day. Now, if only we had a television in our room...