Was awoken by Stephanie. Thanks, girl. We were supposed to assemble by 7-8 but all 3 of us slept until quite late.Anyway, the 1 hour plus journey to the private WUST school enables me to catch a little catnap.Apparently, the area we were heading to today was some camp thingy located near the ECE students hostel. I am going to have some nightmares about camps again...While waiting or us to get out from the toilet...
We spot two overgrown kids on the see-saw. Benedict and Weiguang look so child-like.
Finally we were eventually re-arranged into 4 teams. We were in Team 1 later named as Teamers.
Say hi to one of the instructor as well as some of our group members.
And the Team Captain designing the team flag as Francie, Stephanie and Seok(not in picture) attempted come up with the team cheer.Finally, the first game of the day.
Our group was passing the flag around as no one wanted to be the team captain. We were all mixed around to interact with other groups.
And firstly, introduction to our flag as well as the cheers.
Using only newspapers, make a giant hamster wheel(tank wheel) whereby all of us will have to compete with other teams by moving along the joined newspapers strips. No glue or additional material is given.
Our team hard at work with commander-in-charge as well as our team captain suggesting the pros and cons of certain design.
Still hard at work as the clock is ticking.And at last, we all had a strategy- To fold all sides of the newspaper and move as one before pulling the wheel to move forward under the command, "1,2, pull!".
Teamers won. While it is true that the newspapers was broken at one point, it was quickly fixed and we kept up the lead all the way.
Compared to the rest of the team, we fared a lot better despite our different views and some miscommunication. However, the majority of the team followed instructions and in turn also gave out helpful suggestions and actions(getting rocks to stack on the newspapers)
This reminds me of the 6th NE message: We have confidence in our future.United, determined and well-prepared, we have what it takes to build a bright future for ourselves, and to progress together as one nation.
From this simple team building game, we can see the spirit and bond of the future workforce. As the friends we make will last a lifetime, it is possible that we will interact with one another at work and still possess the zest for the teamwork that will shape our future.
From this game, we can say our team is well prepared(following the commands), united(in the game), and determined (we are all determined to win). This 3 traits will be important in our future.
We are Team Teamers! We are the champions!
Mr Wong and our flag design.
We drew a large goofy and feminine looking face along with a bow tie.
Explanation goes: The eyes(with eyelashes) represent the girls for cuteness. The teeth(with a hint of black) and nose represent boys for toughness. The bow tie where we all signed our name represents us all, bonded as one.
After the first game, we proceeded to have lunch and were told to assemble by 1.15. We followed the ECE students who have stayed in the area for 5 weeks plus to the canteen.
Their canteen is like, so much better then ours de. Ah well...
The 清真(halal) store had this 消毒(poison removal) chopstick dispenser. That's something Singapore should have since we all practice food hygiene.After the meal, followed some of the ECE students to check out their hostel. I should not have been there at all because now we were all marvelling at their room.
They have a common hall with television! Hey... good sia. And they get the quiet nights rest while we have to content with the occasional honking of cars.
And the part that irk me the most. Why do we have so different beds? They have cotton lining bed while all we have is a wooden plank. They are getting hotel treatment here...
Jit Siong with his stiffed teddy bear lying on the bed and posing for Hashanah and me.
Much later on, Hashanah could not find her bag and was mock blaming Jit Siong. When she finally did found her bag, she practically bashed him up.
Made way back to the area for more fun when we stopped by the provision shop for some ice cream.
Played the game whereby we have to supply our group representative with whatever the person wanted us to give.... Nice way to warm us up.
Finally, spilt into 2 groups to try out 3 activities. First up is...
Masita, go girl! You have girl power!
Well, it's my turn to climb the obstacle course.
Actually, when I reached the bridge I was thinking, "Woah, that's far," and then just walked over to the edge before jumping.
Finally, the thrill of 'following gravity' for once.And it's over. Next up, we have the 'Trust in me to catch you' game.
Masita looks smug...
Naturally we have to support those who were supporting the person falling down.
Morale of the story, it's good to be light, you don't stress the people supporting you.
And here I go...
I sat up as quickly as possible. think I landed too hard on my backside.Waited for the rest as we finally proceeded to the rock wall-Last activity is rock climbing.
Zee Min helping me with my harness as Weiguang took this shot.
Me climbing for the first time. Ehh.. It's really easy and gets harder at the top...
I wasn't satisfied with my first climb as I was withdrawn for not wearing the helmet properly. I decided to go again.
Second time, naturally, my arm muscles were even more strenuous then before. I wasn't good with arm power but I kept trying to get my footing again and again.
Sadly, I failed to reach the top and was soon send plummeting back to earth, my arm aching.
However, Weiguang was like, "I am impressed with your never-say-die-attitude". This echoes what Zee Min said as, "Not bad. it's the determination that counts," Guys, thanks but I have always tried to strive higher.
Mr Wong told us the bus would arrive at 6.20 and so, we went deeper into the park.
The view of the lake area.
Our group and Mr Wong?This is where the blog got its title from.
Seriously, watching the sunset in the embrace of your loved one makes this picture lovely. The stars- Sebastian and Hwee Ping.
Another couple. Zee Min and ShaoMing's shadow set againest the setting sun. A friend couple.
The real show. Much to our amusement and to our cameras. Aww....
Khoon Fong and Sasi making a rather irregular heart shaped.
And another nicer heart shaped.And soon, we had to turn back as the bus had arrived.
Ok, that place should have been named as 'Lover's Pier' soon...
Back to our bus! Bade the ECE students farewell. Will be meeting them back in Singapore soon.
Passing through the garden...
And lastly, their school's a private school so, the facilities are better... rich people...
Even the exterior of the hostel or service apartments look so inviting as compared to ours. It's ok, I'll accept what life gives me anyday.
In the bus, we were alerted by photographer Randolph to the red setting sun. Managed to capture the red sun excatly in the middle. It's a moving vehicle though.Finally, we get to rest a little and will do the presentation on Thursday.
Well, good evening. Salamat malam!!