And there's presentation from 10 to 12. Luckily, Mr Wong drew lots by room number and so we would be the 2nd last group to present. So, let's watch the presentation order in sequence now, shall we?
First up, we see Zee Min and her teammates performance. Zee Min came in late and literally spilled out her presentation at the speed of a bullet. At least, I was able to understand it.
I feel really appalled that women have to bind their feet or else they would not be able to marry off. It's just so unfair(if they are forced to) and stupid that throughout history and modern days, women have to keep suffering all for the sake of fashion and beauty.
Seeing the above pictures, I am glad that in the modern world, woman are counted somewhat as equals.
I also learnt more about Taoism and Buddhism. Ultimately, all religion is created by ancient people who felt compelled to explain the 'universe'. And in turn, it is a philosophy that results in the birth of many religion.
Taoism is about ‘going with the flow' and just making life happy by living a simple life.
And by the way, 观音菩萨(Goddess Guan Yin) was origincally a male figure which was later dipicted as female. At the end of the day, I finally realise that I prefer the philosophy of Tao and would adhere to it's main rules to being happy.
Went back to my room to feast on bananas that I bought. Also, went back to learn that the Internet connection was cut off.
I went to speak with the lady in charge of the hostel and was told I had to find another china lecturer. Just as I was contemplating on my next move, I saw Mr Cheong(Another division's lecturer). I quickly related the problem as Mr Cheong called Mr Wong.
Soon enough, someone came to repair the cable. It turned out that the main cable was disconnected causing all other connections to ground to a halt.
Went to the alley to purchase dinner with Zee Min. For dinner, I had 牛肉拉面(Beef Ramen, I think). I also managed to purchase an egg tart(蛋挞) and a loaf of red bean filled bread. But I find the egg tart too sweet to my taste.
Afterwards, went back to her room to eat the dinner.
Departed for my room and dash out again to go to the mini mart that Zee Min pointed out can buy water. I bought 12 bottles of 1.25 litres priced at 20 yuan. Going by some mental calculations, I think it's worth it as 1 bottle will be at 1.67 yuan.
Along the way, I spotted:
I concluded the day stating that the temperature here is literally getting warmer and much more pleasent. If only this kind of weather would last..
That's all folks, night!
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