Assembled by 8 at the main gate. All of us were waiting for Zee Min, fashionably late as per usual. She did a funny thing, she was running off in another direction and we were all laughing and someone pointed out she looked like a KFC worker.
And the hour long bus ride wasn't any better... By the time I arrived at my destination, I was a little unwell due to motion sickness but it passed soon enough.
This is the library(图书馆) of the new campus.
First stop, the museum to learn more about the school's history.
Wuhan University of Science and Technology used to be in the steel industry before it was formerly recognised and transformed into the school we have today. No wonder we went to a steel industry.. link here?
Seeing her do that, I am reminded of the 3rd NE message: We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility.We provide opportunities for all, according to their ability and effort.
I am sure that the students all in China who masters English can come to Singapore, where they will be employed according to their abilities and efforts. Our china classmates are already a good example.
Now, compare it to the old campus where we are now at 青山校区.
First stop, exhibition on biology section.
WARNING: Some of the images and all videos may not be suitable to watch. I will not be held responsible for any mishaps. Thank you.
Heartbreaking for all Mothers to have such foetus.... But sadly...
Biology section... Dissection on many animals...
There's no way I will go back there at night, Oh no...
Moving on to the ICU unit..(This is really like a simulation)
We went for lunch while talking with the local students and interacted with them while our lecturers went with their lecturers.
Went off to walk around the lake while chatting with the local students. I had to exercise up some rough pathway but manageable.
Bade goodbye to the local students after photo taking and some leaving of contact details(Masita, you popular gal). Went back to school as we still had to do test 2.
Erm, I am more familiar with 2 local guy students, both I address as 哥哥(elder brother). One is 王哥哥(Sorry, not good with names) and the other I use the nickaname 小象(Little elephant). Come on, I can't remember chinese names easily especially after meeting them once only...
Reached school at 3. Went to revise and slack until 4 whereby we proceeded to the classroom for the test. Once again, I did my best...
Went down the lift with lecturer Sandra. Oh, so she's the one eveyone was talking about. Meet one of our IS lecturer!!
She bought a bike priced at 400 yuan. Healthy lifestyle.
Went for dinner at the 清淡(plain, islamic food) restaruant. She really keeps gloating all because she saw a 帅哥 at the basketball tournement. Grr.... I am not intersted!!
And shooped around the area before going to purchase some chocolate drink.
And that's all as we are all doing our assignment 2. Presentation tomorrow... 加油!
And we managed to catch a glimpse of fireworks. People here can just use fireworks as expression or emotional outlets, i think it's cool.
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