Finally, after serious consideration, I went over to the laundry auntie and finally decided to go the silk exhibition located near 中山公园.
Managed to purchase some silk clothing for family members and chanced upon...
Finally done with Silk shopping and so, I headed over to the bus-stops after much questioning and help from the locals, I managed to end up in 江汉路.
I ended up being approached by a random student from a nearby hairstyling school. Initially, I was interested at the offer - A 20 yuan deal to perm my hair. I was thinking, "Seriously?"
The student explained that they were having a class competition as well... Competing to see which class can persuade the most people to come over?
I washed my hair in this basin. There was no hot water from the tap and the student hairstylists(They had their student identification hung over their neck) all had to fetch hot water somewhere else.
I am reminded of the 3rd National Education Message: We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility. Seeing all these young adults in the hair styling line, I learnt that like Singapore's own ITE(Instituite of technical Education) hairstyling is open to school dropouts as another means of livelihood.
We provide opportunities for all, according to their ability and effort. I am thankful that Singapore allows school drop outs to be re-educated and able to contribute to society. It's good that people are given opportunities as per ability and their effort to master something they are not used to.
Afterwards, I managed to find the bus stop with the help of two 哥哥 hairstylists. Thanks!!
I went straight to classroom 701 and sat there until the whole even began, rather listless and tired. Before the even begun, we needed to get the cake that MDE division was in charge of.
I managed to get the last slice of that chocolate cake though. I was also scooping up all the remaining chocolate flakes into the paper plate.
Left the earliest with Sharon (Xiao Ling's room mate) and went to get some supper before heading back to do my blog.
Well, night. Salamat Malam!
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