When I was done with my refreshing shower, I went to look for Zee Min who was getting hot water from Wei Guang's room. There, I got some hot water for my lunch then- Instant noodles. Don't worry, this is my first time eating it, not like I will eat it everyday at all.
Finally, at around 12.50, Zee Min came in and wanted us to go with her to print the photos. There, we met up with the local students. I was like, "What are your names again?" They laughed and introduced themselves again.
They were Kathy, Queenie and Xiao Ling.
Finally, we all journey together to the bus and split into smaller groups.
At last, we have arrived at 中山公园 (ZhongShan Park). All this time the older local students were joking and watching out for me, a 小妹妹 (little sister).
On the crowded bus all the local students always usher us to the seats. They were practicing the 孔融让梨 (A story whereby a boy offers his pear to younger siblings) again. We wanted them to seat as well but they all waved our offer off with, "我们习惯站着。" (We are used to standing).
As we still had to wait for the others who got on another bus, we decided to follow Zee Min who wanted to buy something and so, we set off in another group that includes-Zee Min, Amy(Who joined in later), Kathy,Queenie, Me and Wei Guang.
Question: What is China famous for?
Answer: People in the shopping malls!!
We went to the park and walked inside and was greeted by this ox made by Pepsi cans to welcome the new year located in the square.
An ox on top of a red lantern. Wait, isn't the ox supposed to flare up at the color red?
Then later, we split up again as Zee Min and Amy were taking too long, We went to the park and chanced upon a ice cream stall. I was treated to the ice cream by Kathy. I am too pampered huh? I wanted to pay her back but she went, "我请小妹妹吃的." (My treat for little sister). So nice to be younger...
Hey! It's cold here but still enjoying the ice cold treat. The pro of this place? The ice cream will melt slower since we are in a colder climate. The cons includes nagging about my health.
I had about 5 rides in the price range of 5 to 20 yuan each.
I happen to see this little girl and her mother while queuing up. I noticed the 'flower' theme. The little girl's head ornament on her hair is made from leaves and flowers and looked nice. Her mother also seemed armed with a bunch of flowers as well.
I get to ride the Viking ship again!! Hooray! Poor Kathy. We had convinced her to take the ride with us and when the rides over, she was crying from fear as well as her feeling rather queasy.
Amy and poor Kathy sitting on the middle seat of the other side where I am told it's not scary. Look at Kathy (in black), looks scared as it is.
We get to go onto another ride before we finally catch up with the group. Finally, we have our model of the day posing with Viking, Zee Min!!
Our 3rd ride. I only got dizzy after going round in circles. It was fun as it is.
The group were waiting a long time for one ride while Zee Min, Kathy, Amy, Queenie , Xiao Ling and me just took off for the next ride on the Ferris wheel.
In the same capsule. Amy, Xiao Ling and Me!!
And in the other corner, we have Queenie, Zee Min and Kathy.
This picture was shot in the capsule. Trees galore..
I spy with my little eyes, a free area in the park. The people there look like ants at this height.
Another shot. We are so high in the sky.
Why can they all pose so nicely and eat the cold stuff in this weather? Models for ice cream, maybe I should email their photos to modelling agency.
The wet ride. In the end, there wasn't much of any 'wet' action.
Finally, went for this ride whereby only Zee Min, Xiao Ling and me dared to ride it. The others backed out and offered to take pictures instead.
Well, the ground looks better? Lols...
Quiz time. Did you know that riding it in the middle would be less scary?
Oh my god!!! I feel like I am just lunched into space as it is...
What goes up must come down...
The going up and down part wasn't scary. It was the lag time when you felt the gravity on you after you have been thrusted upwards and then plunging back down to earth that is shocking.
We wanted a group picture with the lake again. Here we go from Left second row in clockwise direction- Queenie, Kathy, Amy, Xiao Ling, Me and Zee Min.
Another treat from the senior students. A candy that is really sweet and sour- The outside is sweet and the inside is sour and it has seed as well...
Lucky Zee Min, she gets a free drawing in return for her kind deed. What I am trying to say is, kindness begets kindness.
The painter, and his model and work. Lovely isn't it?
But then, she slipped in the money anyhow. See, she was to have that for free.
We found the entire group near a street of artists, most having their portraits drawn.
What can I say? As we waited for them, we also had time to purchase candyfloss to munch on.
Another shot of the eating-time. Don't the cotton candy just remind you of clouds as it is? We caught a piece of the cloud!
The fun begins here. Look at the human train.
In this picture, it goes that Xiao Ling, Amy and Queenie all have 'fake' beards as Zee Min and Kathy seem to be sharing a 'satay' of the cotton candy. I am just enjoying the cotton candy.
Went to MacDonald's for dinner. I get the Cheeseburger as well as the hot chocolate I so badly wanted to drink again.
Along the way back. we saw A Shaolin performance.
A Shaolin monk performing on the streets. It's blur because of the stunts.
This photo never fails to amuse me. It was taken on board the bus. I was wondering why on earth is the spare tyre on the bus? No place to keep it?
Finally, we are all blogging. We still haven't seen the local student's room. I was looking forward to seeing it. And so I can fully understand the phrase, "活在福中,不知福" (To live in bliss and yet so ignorant of it). Just wondering how bad it can be ma.
All the 大姐姐s are really very understanding. I was asking on how to repair my laptop and so, they made an effort to help me ask their lecturer about it.
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